Our weekly virtual gathering in English is now on Sundays at 10am CST


A call for financial support

A call for emergency global financial community support:

We are a network of Palestinians, Israelis and worldwide supporters of peace and justice. We are artists, teachers, therapists, shop owners, bodyworkers, healers, herbalists, musicians, dancers, community organizers, doctors, lawyers, students, parents, children, siblings, beloved friends. Most importantly – we continue to come together again and again throughout time, centering in changing the current narrative and a new way – that honors the sacredness of all life, land, and liberation & freedom for all.

We honor and embrace the rich heritage and traditions of indigenous peoples who have inhabited this land for generations. We are each individually and together, engaged in and have created, a dynamic fusion of various immersive in-person engagements that dares to dream the seemingly impossible – a society characterized by justice, equality, and inclusivity; centering in listening and deepening relationships to nature, land, and each other, personal and collective trauma, environment and sustainability, social engagement, remembrance of indigenous culture, creative expression through art, dance, music, all centered in non violent communication & actions.

This time of acute crises and chaos have brought urgent dire need for resources and safety that increase significantly every day. The tragic violence and murder of Israelis in the south and the rapidly increasing ongoing violence and murder of Palestinians in the West Bank and Palestinians within Israel (48 borders) – have called us to take immediate action and ask our global community for financial support. Our network has remained connected, reaching out to one another checking every moment if people are safe and how to get to safety, listening to hearts and needs, holding intense states of grief, finding ways to be together as much as possible virtually and physically.

We are asking to be supported in basic needs & safety in order to continue being this living vision – especially during this time – for our future, for the future of all, the future of the land. Funds will be used to directly support – getting to a safe home, buying food, fuel, paying rent, caring for family in need, and medical and emotional support.

Ensuring the wellbeing & safety of humans in our network directly influences the change we can bring. Our vision is taking a major hit in the most recent events. We are facing far greater challenges in maintaining and growing our network. We choose to remain with open hearts. We choose compassion. Through the generosity of your heart you will be supporting humans & families that are in dire need right now of safety, basic needs, and respite. Humans that are devoted to a way past the spreading of polarization and separation – forging an alternative way of life that can serve as an inspiration and make a positive impact on the people on this land and beyond. By supporting us you stand with us. You contribute to the possibility of each of our continued lives. Stand with us as we continue to stand for the sacredness of all LIFE. Much gratitude & prayers of safety and healing for all.